Time To Be Bold: Search For Services By State Below

Service by State or Territory


    OASIS Fact Sheet

    OASIS Program Coordinator
    Matthew Haynes
    P.O. Box 19888
    236 Goodwin Crest Drive,
    Homewood, AL 35209
    Tel. 205-290-4400
    FAX 205-290-1029
    RegionPO BoxAddressTelephone1-800FAX
    ANNISTON1910 Coleman Road, Anniston 36207256-240-8800 1-800-671-6834 256-231-0486
    HOMEWOOD (Birmingham) P.O. Box 19888 236 Goodwin Crest Drive, Homewood, AL 35209205-290-44001-800-671-6837205-290-1029
    DECATURP. O. Box 1686 621 Cherry Street, NE, Decatur, AL 35602 256-353-2754 1-800-671-6838 256-351-2476
    DOTHAN795 Ross Clark Circle, Ste 2, Dothan, AL 36303 334-699-8600 1-800-275-0132 334-792-1783
    GADSDEN1100 George Wallace Drive, Gadsden, AL 35903 256-547-6974 1-800-671-6839 256-543-1784
    HUNTSVILLE 3000 Johnson Road, SW, Huntsville, AL 35805 256-650-1700 1-800-671-6840 256-650-1795
    MOBILE 3101 International Drive, Mobile, AL 36606 251-479-8611 1-800-671-6842 251-478-2197
    MONTGOMERY602 S. Lawrence St., Montgomery, AL 36104 334-293-7500 1-800-441-7578 334-293-7372
    MUSCLE SHOALS 1450 East Avalon Avenue, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 256-381-31841-800-275-0166 256-389-3149
    OPELIKA520 West Thomason Circle, Opelika, AL 36801 334-749-1259 1-800-671-6835 334-749-8753
    TALLADEGA31 Arnold St., Talladega, AL 35160 256-761-6800 1-800-441-7592 256-362-6387
    TUSCALOOSA1400 James I. Harrison Jr. Pkwy, E, Suite 300, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 205-554-1300 1-800-331-5562 205-554-1369


    Department of Labor and Workforce Development
    Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
    OIB Grantees:
    Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired 3903 Taft Drive, Anchorage, AK 99517 https://www.alaskabvi.org/(907) 248-7770 or 1-800-770-7517
    Independent Living Center PO Box 2474, Homer, AK 99603 https://peninsulailc.org(907) 235-7911 or 1-800-770-7911
    Southeast Alaska Independent Living (SAIL) 3225 Hospital Drive, Suite 300, Juneau, AK 99801 https://www.sailinc.org1-800-478-7245


    OIB Program Manager:
    Pete Poumele
    Blind Services Coordinator
    American Samoa Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
    P.O. Box 4561
    Pago Pago, AS 96799



    Dr. Brian Dulude
    Arizona @ Work


    Referrals are welcome to use 501-682-5463 or 1-800-960-9270 to reach our receptionist as that number is manned 8-4:30 every day.
    OIB Counselor: Joshua Goolsby, M.A., CRCCentral Region: Searcy, AR Joshua.N.Goolsby@arkansas.gov501-305-7213
    OIB Counselor: Jessie FosterSouth Region: Monticello, AR Jessie.Foster@arkansas.gov
    Assistant: Teresa BennettSouth Region: Monticello, AR Teresa.D.Bennett@arkansas.gov870-367-2477
    OIB Program Manager: Amy JacksonNortheast Region: Jonesboro, AR Amy.Jackson@arkansas.gov
    OIB Counselor: Misty SmithNortheast Region: Jonesboro, AR Misty.Smith@arkansas.gov870-203-7189
    OIB Counselor: Brandy Mitchell-RayNorthwest Region: Russellville, ARBrandy.Mitchell-Ray@arkansas.gov479-356-1107


    CountyAgency Name Contact Number(s) Website Contact Information
    Alameda Lighthouse Lighthouse: (510) 845-8700 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    AlamedaLions Center for the Visually Impaired - Diablo Valley Lions Center: (925) 432-3013 www.seniorvision.orgwww.info@LCVI.org
    Alpine No agency assigned 916.558.5484
    AmadorSociety for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Butte Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 https://societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55/Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Calaveras Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 https://societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55/Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Colusa Disability Action Center Chico Office: (530) 893-8527 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    Contra Costa Lighthouse Lighthouse: (510) 845-8700 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    Contra Costa Lions Center for the Visually Impaired - Diablo Valley Lions Center: (925) 432-3013 www.seniorvision.orgwww.info@LCVI.org
    Del Norte Lighthouse (707) 268-5646 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    El Dorado Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Fresno Valley Center for the Blind (559) 222-4447 info@valleycenterfortheblind.org
    Glenn Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 info@lighthouse-sf.orgEmail: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Humboldt Lighthouse(707) 268-5646 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    Imperial Access to Independence (760) 768-2044 Toll-Free: (800) 976-2776 www.accesstoindependence.orginfo@a2isd.org
    Inyo No agency assigned 916.558.5484
    Kern Independent Living Center of Kern County 661-325-1063 Toll-Free: (800) 529-9541 www.ilrc-trico.orgemedel@ilrc-trico.org
    KingsValley Center for the Blind (559) 222-4447 www.valleycenterfortheblind.orginfo@valleycenterfortheblind.org
    Lake Earle Baum Center (707) 523-3222 www.earlebaum.orgebc@earlebaum.org
    LassenDisability Action Center Redding Office: (530) 242-8550 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    Los Angeles Dayle McIntosh Center (714) 621-3300 https://daylemc.org/services/skills-training/blind-low-vision/receptionist@daylemc.org
    Madera Valley Center for the Blind (559) 222-4447 www.valleycenterfortheblind.orginfo@valleycenterfortheblind.org
    MarinLighthouse(415) 258-8496 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    Mariposa Center of Vision Enhancement (209) 722-8118 www.covemerced.orgcove4u@gmail.com
    MendocinoSociety for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    MercedCenter of Vision Enhancement (209) 722-8118 www.covemerced.orgcove4u@gmail.com
    Modoc Disability Action Center Redding Office: (530) 242-8550 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    Mono Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    MontereyBlind and Visually Impaired Center of Monterey (831) 649-3505 www.blindandlowvision.orgvision@blindandlowvision.org

    Toll-Free: (800) 404-3505 (in Monterey County)
    Napa Earle Baum Center (707) 523-3222 www.earlebaum.orgebc@earlebaum.org
    Nevada Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Orange Dayle McIntosh Center (714) 621-3300 https://daylemc.org/services/skills-training/blind-low-vision/receptionist@daylemc.org
    Placer Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Plumas Disability Action Center Chico Office: (530) 893-8527 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    Riverside Blindness Support Services (951) 341-9244 www.blindnesssupport.comcpineda@blindnesssupport.com
    Sacramento Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    San Benito Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (831) 458-9766 www.vistacenter.orginformation@vistacenter.org
    San Bernardino Blindness Support Services (951) 341-9244 www.blindnesssupport.comcpineda@blindnesssupport.com
    San Diego San Diego Center for the Blind San Diego (South County): (619) 583-1542Vista (North County): (760) 758-5956 www.sdcb.orgwww.sdcb.org
    San Francisco Lighthouse (415) 431-1481 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    San Joaquin Community Center for the Blind & Visually Impaired (209) 466-3836 www.communitycenterfortheblind.orginfo@communitycenterfortheblind.org
    San Luis Obispo Independent Living Resource Center Inc. (805) 462-1162 www.ilrc-trico.orgemedel@ilrc-trico.org
    San Mateo Lighthouse Lighthouse: (510) 845-8700 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    San Mateo Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Imaired: Toll-Free (800) 660-2009(650) 858-0202 www.vistacenter.orginformation@vistacenter.org
    Santa Barbara Independent Living Resource Center Inc. (805) 963-0595 www.ilrc-trico.orgemedel@ilrc-trico.org
    Santa Clara Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired (831) 458-9766 www.vistacenter.orginformation@vistacenter.org
    Santa Cruz Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired Toll-Free (800) 660-2009(650) 858-0202 www.vistacenter.orginformation@vistacenter.org
    Shasta Disability Action Center Redding Office: (530) 242-8550 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    SierraSociety for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Siskiyou Disability Action Center Redding Office: (530) 242-8550 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    Solano Lions Center for the Visually Impaired - Diablo Valley (925) 432-3013 www.seniorvision.orgwww.info@LCVI.org
    Sonoma Earle Baum Center (707) 523-3222 https://lighthouse-sf.org/earle-baum-campus/einfo_web@lighthouse-sf.org
    Stanislaus Visually Impaired Persons Support (209) 522-8477 www.vipsmodesto.orgwww.vipsmodesto.org
    Sutter Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Tehama Disability Action Center Chico Office: (530) 893-8527 www.actionctr.orgwecare@actionctr.org
    Trinity Lighthouse (707) 268-5646 www.lighthouse-sf.orginfo@lighthouse-sf.org
    Tulare Valley Center for the Blind (559) 222-4447 www.valleycenterfortheblind.orginfo@valleycenterfortheblind.org
    TuolumneVisually Impaired Persons Support (209) 522-8477 www.vipsmodesto.orgwww.vipsmodesto.org
    Ventura Independent Living Resource Center Inc. (805) 963-0595 www.ilrc-trico.orgemedel@ilrc-trico.org
    Yolo Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org
    Yuba Society for the Blind (916) 889-7516 www.societyfortheblind.org/programs-services/programs-for-55Email: SIP@societyfortheblind.org


    Center for Disabilities - Center Toward Self-Reliance 901 W. 8th Street, Pueblo, CO 81003 719-546-1271 http://cfdpueblo.org/
    Center for Disabilities - Center Toward Self-Reliance - Satellite Office407 State Ave. Alamosa, CO 81101719-289-0789http://cfdpueblo.org/
    Center for Disabilities - Center Toward Self-Reliance - Satellite Office113 W Elm Lamar, CO 81052719-691-2407http://cfdpueblo.org/
    Center for Disabilities - Center Toward Self-Reliance - Satellite Office136 W Main Street; Trinidad, CO 81082719-546-1271http://cfdpueblo.org/
    Center for Independence 740 Gunnison, Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-241-0315 https://www.cfigj.org/
    Center for Independence - Satellite Office401 27th Street room 105 Glenwood Springs, CO 8160970-718-5155https://www.cfigj.org/
    Center for Independence - Satellite Office211 East 3rd St. Salida, CO 81201970-241-0315https://www.cfigj.org/
    Center for People with Disabilities 1675 Range St., Boulder, CO 80301 303-442-8662, v/tty: 888-929-5519 https://www.cpwd.org/Email: info@cpwd.org
    Colorado Center for the Blind 2233 W Shepperd Ave, Littleton, CO 80120 303-778-1130 https://cocenter.org/
    Ensight Skills Center 1101 Oakridge Drive, Unit C, Fort Collins, CO 80525970-407-9999 https://ensightskills.org/ensight-101/Satellite offices in Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood and Cherry Creek (note: these are subject to change, please call the main line to confirm location and address).
    Ensight Skills Center: Curtis Strong Center918 13th Street, Suite 4 Greeley, CO 80631970-353-9417https://ensightskills.org/curtis-strong-center-low-vision-specialists/Satellite offices in Boulder, Lafayette, Lakewood and Cherry Creek (note: these are subject to change, please call the main line to confirm location and address).



    Call 860-602-4160
    Email: Carol.Jenkins@ct.gov


    Main phone: 302-255-9800

    AgencyAddress Contact Phone
    Delaware Division for the Visually Impaired 1901 N. DuPont Highway, Biggs Building, Door 3, New Castle, DE 19810 Ashley Spinden, Independent Living Services Manager 302-255-9800


    Please note our agency has a centralized intake/outreach department. Since multiple programs receive a referral through the below contact phone numbers and website, individuals should request to be directed to our IL Specialist within the Sensory Unit for the older blind program.

    RSA Online Intake Application:
    RSA Intake Form


    ProgramDistrictLocation Address Phone Toll free FaxWebsite
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 01 Pensacola Division of Blind Services 600 University Office Bvld., Bldg 17 Pensacola, FL 32504 850-484-5122
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 01a Panama City Division of Blind Services 2505 W. 15th Street, Suite B Panama City, FL 32401 850-872-4181
    Independence for the Blind of West Florida Independence for the Blind of West Florida 3107 N. Davis Hwy. Pensacola, FL 32503 850-477-2663 850-497-4025 http://www.ibwest.org/
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 02 Tallahassee Division of Blind Services 3900 Commonwealth Bloulevard Suite 351, Douglas Building Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-245-0370 800-672-7038
    Lighthouse of the Big Bend Lighthouse of the Big Bend 3071 Highland Oaks Terrace Tallahassee, FL 32301 850-942-3658 850-942-4518 www.seeingindependence.org
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 03 Jacksonville Division of Blind Services 1809 Art Museum Dr. Suite 201 Jacksonville, FL 32207 904-348-2730 800-226-6356
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 03a Gainesville Division of Blind Services 3620 NW 43rd Street Suite C Gainesville, FL 32606-8100 352-955-2075 800-443-0908
    Florida State College at Jacksonville Florida State College at jacksonville 101 West State, Room A-2140 Jacksonville, FL 32202 (904) 633-8220904-632-5107 http://www.fscj.edu/community/vision-education-rehabilitation-center
    Elder Care of Alachua County Elder Care of Alachua County 5701 NW 34th Sreet Gainesville, FL 32653 352-365-9040 352-265-9041 http://eldercare.ufhealth.org/
    Florida Center for the Blind Florida Center for the Blind 1411 NE 22nd Avenue Ocala, FL 34470 352-873-4700 352-873-4751 http://www.flblind.org/
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 05 Daytona Beach Division of Blind Services 1185 Dunn Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386-254-3800 800-329-3801
    Center of Visually Imparied Center of the Visually Impaired 1187 Dunn Avenue Daytona Beach, FL 32114 386-253-8879 386-253-9178 http://www.cvicentralflorida.org
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 06 Orlando Division of Blind Services 400 W. Robinson St., Suite S1026 Orlando, FL 32801-1784 407-245-0700 866-841-0928
    Lighthouse Central Florida Lighthouse Central Florida 215 East New Hampshire Street Orlando, FL 32084 407-898-2483 407-895-5255 http://www.lighthousecentralflorida.org/
    New Vision for Independence New Vision for Independence lake-Sumter Community College, Lake Hall, RM 140 9501 US Hwy 441 Leesburg, FL 34788-8751 352-435-5040 http://www.newvisionfl.org/
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 07 Tampa Division of Blind Services 415 South Amenia Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 813-871-7190 800-757-7190
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 07a Lakeland Division Services 402 S. Kentucky Ave. Suite 340 Lakeland, FL 33801 863-499-2385 877-728-7738
    Lighthouse for the Blind and Low Vision Lighthouse for th Blind and Low Vision 1106 West Platt Street Tampa, FL 33606 813-251-2407 813-254-4305 https://lighthouseblv.org/
    Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and BlindLighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind 9130 Ridge Road, New Port Richey, FL 34654-5034 727-815-0303 727-815-0203 https://lvib.org
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 09 Ft. Myers Division of Blind Services 5256 Summerlin Commons Way, Suite 201 Ft. Myers, FL 33907 239-278-7130 800-219-0180
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 09a Palmetto Division of Blind Services 600 8th Ave. W., Suite 401 Palmetto, FL 34221 941-721-2914 800-500-6412
    Lighthouse Education Center Lighthouse Vision Loss Education Center 7318 North Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 941-359-1404 www.LighthouseEducationCenter.org
    Lighthouse of South West Florida Lighthouse of Southwest Florida, Inc. 35 West Mariana Ave. North Ft. Myers, FL 33903 239-997-7797 239-997-8462 http://www.lighthouseswfl.org/
    Lighthouse of Collier Lighthouse of Collier, Inc. 2685 Horseshoe Drive South, Suite 211 Naples, FL 34104 239-430-3934 239-430-9213 http://lighthouseofcollier.org/
    Florida Division of Blind Services Disrtict 10 West Palm Beach Division of Blind Services 400 N. Congress Avenue, Suite 305 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-681-2548 866-225-0794
    Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches Lighthouse for the Blind of the Palm Beaches 1710 Tiffany Drive East West Palm Beach, FL 33407 561-586-5600 561-845-8022 www.lhpb.org
    Florida Outreach Center for the Blind Florida Outreach Center for the Blind 2315 South Congress Ave. Palm Springs, FL 33406 561-642-0005 www.blindfocb.org
    Florida Division of Blind Services Disrict 11 Sunrise Division of Blind Services 7771 W. Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 185 Sunrise, FL 33351 954-746-1770
    Lighthouse of Broward Lighthouse of Broward County 650 N. Andrews Ave. FT. Lauderdale, FL 33311 954-463-4217 954-764-3825 http://www.lhob.org/
    Florida Division of Blind Services District 12 Miami Division of Blind Services 401 N.W. 2nd Ave., Suite S-712 Miami, FL 33128 305-377-5339 888-529-1830
    Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Miami Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired 601 SW 8th Ave. Miami, FL 33130 305-856-2288 305-285-6967 http://www.miamilighthouse.org/
    Braille and Talking Books Library Daytona Beach Bureau of Braille and Talking Books Library 421 Platt Street Daytona Beach, FL 32114-2803 386-239-6000 800-226-6075 386-239-6069
    DBS State Office Tallahassee Division of Blind Services 325 West Gaines St. Room 1114, Turlington Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 850-245-0300 800-342-1828 850-245-0363


    Website: www.gvs.ga.gov

    Program AddressPhoneEmailWebsiteFax
    Serving Greater Metro Atlanta - Center for the Visually Impaired (CVI) 739 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30308 404-875-9011 www.cviga.org
    Serving Southeast Georgia - Savannah Center for Blind and Low Vision (SCBLV) 1141 Cornell Avenue, Savannah, Georgia 31406 912-236-4473 www.SavannahCBLV.org
    Serving Northwest Georgia - Vision Rehabilitation Services of Georgia (VRS) 3830 South Cobb Drive SE, Smyrna, Georgia 30080 770-432-7280 www.vrsga.org
    Serving South Georgia - Visually Impaired Foundation of Georgia (VIFGA) 770-551-8455 1-877-778-4342 www.vifga.org
    Serving Northeast Georgia - Visually Impaired Specialized Training and Advocacy Services (VISTAS) 337 South Milledge Avenue, Suite 114, Athens, Georgia 30605-5662 706-995-2216 www.vistascenter.com
    Serving East Georgia - Walton Options for Independent Living (WO) 948 Walton Way, Augusta, Georgia 30903-0519 706-724-6262 or 1-877-821-8400 www.waltonoptions.org
    Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Services.200 Piedmont Avenue SE, West Tower
    Suite 502A
    Atlanta, GA 30334
    Shirley Robinson, CRC, Coordinator for Blind Services Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency 404-783-3545 Shirley.robinson@gvs.ga.govwww.gvs.ga.gov


    OfficeAddressPO BoxPhone
    Main office for the state: Boise Office 341 West Washington PO Box 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0012 (208) 334-3220 or 1-800-542-8688
    Regional Offices: Coeur d'Alene Office 2120 N. Lakewood drive Suite A. ID 83814.(208) 769-7077
    Lewiston Office 1118 F Street, Lewiston, ID 83501 (208) 799-5009
    Twin Falls Office 650 Addison Ave West, Suite 101, Twin Falls, ID 83301 (208) 736-2140
    Pocatello Office 427 N Main Street, Ste. K, Pocatello, ID 83204 (208) 236-6392
    Idaho Falls Office 1920 East 17th Street, Suite 115, Idaho Falls, ID 83404 (208) 525-7028


    OfficeContactEmailCounties Served
    Center for Sight and Hearing Maureen Mall: (815) 332-6800 mmall@centerforsighthearing.orgJo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Caroll, Ogle, Whiteside, DeKalb, Lee, Bureau, Grundy, Kendall, Rock Island, Henry, Mercer, Henderson, Knox, McDonough, Warren, Fulton, Stark, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Marshall, Putnam, LaSalle
    Chicago Lighthouse Natahsa Broomfield: (312) 666-1331 natasha.broomfield@chicagolighthouse.orgChicago Metro Area, Cook County
    Impact CIL Cathy Contarino: (618) 462-1411 contarino@impactcil.orgMadison, Macoupin, Jersey, Bond, Calhoun, Greene, St. Claire, Clinton, Fayette, Monroe, Montgomery, Washington
    Jacksonville (JACIL-Jacksonville Area for Independent Living) Peggy Davidsmeyer: (217) 245-8371 peggy@jacil.orgMorgan, Scott, Cass, Mason
    Lake City CIL Kelli Brooks: (847) 949-4440 kelli@lccil.orgLake County, McHenry
    LIFE CIL Kim Tarkowski. : (309) 663-5433 rbenecke@lifecil.orgDeWitt, Ford, Livingston, McLean
    LINC, Inc.(Living Independently Now Center) Lynn Jarman: (618) 235-9988 lijarman@lincinc.orgSt. Clair, Monroe, Randolph
    Options CIL Therese Cardosi (815) 936-0100 therese.cardosi@optionscil.orgIroquois, Kankakee
    Pace CIL Nancy McCellan (217) 344-5433 nmch@pacecil.orgChampaign, Douglas, Edgar, Piatt, Vermillon
    SAIL Jeri Wooters (217) 876-8888 jwooters@decatursail.comColes, Macon, Moiultrie, Shelby
    Second Sense Steven Zelner (312) 236-8569 steven.zelner@second-sense.orgChicagoland area


    WebsitePhoneReferral Form
    https://iowadeptblind.wufoo.com/forms/zvrywj80kfnxfj/1-800-362-2587 Press #4 or 515-901-8621 Referral Form


    RegionProgram Contact PhoneEmailCounties Served
    Southeast Region Resource Center for Independent Living (RCIL)Resource Center for Independent Living (RCIL)Main: 785 528-3105 Chautauqua, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Montgomery, Neosho, Wilson, Woodson
    North Central Region Prairie Independent Living Resource Center (PILR) Hutchinson - Tammy Fuhr (620) 663-3989 Dodge City - Mignon Lucky (620) 371-7690 Allen, Anderson, Barber, Barton, Bourbon, Brown, Chase, Cheyenne, Clark, Clay, Cloud, Comanche, Coffey, Decatur, Dickinson, Doniphan, Edwards, Elk, Ellis, Elsworth, Finney, Ford,Geary, Gove, Graham, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Greenwood, Hamilton, Harper, Harvey, Haskell, Hodgeman, Jackson, Jewell, Kearny, Kingman, Kiowa, Lane, LIncoln, Linn, Lyon, Marshall, McPherson, Meade, Mitchell, Morris, Morton, Nemaha, Ness, Norton, Osage, Osborne, Ottawa, Pawnee, Phillips, Pottawatomie, Pratt, Rawlins, Reno, Republic, Rice, Riley, Rooks, Rush, Russell, Saline, Scott,, Seward, Shawnee, Sheridan, Sherman, Smith, Stafford, Stanton, Stevens, Thomas, Trego, Wabaunsee, Wallace, Washington. Wichita2 - South Central Region
    South Central Region Envision Inc. Stacy Fuller Main: 316-440-1507 Email: Stacy.Fuller@envisionus.comButler, Cowley, Harvey, Sedgwick, Sumner
    Kansas City Metro & Area Alphapointe Tabitha Davidson-Jadwin Main: 816 421-5848 or Direct: 816 237-2047 Atchison, Douglas, Franklin, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Wyandotte.


    LocationContact AddressPhoneDirect LineToll FreeFaxCounties Served
    Program Manager Gay Pannell 955 Fairview Avenue Suite 100,Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 746-7489 (ext. 38701) (502) 764-1106(800) 443-6055 (270) 746-7423 -
    Elizabethtown Derrick Cox 7704 (# 215) 233 Ring Road, Suite 100, Elizabethtown, KY 42701(270) 766-5121 (ext. 45819) (502) 764-1136(866) 883-0001 (270) 766-5124 Adair (Columbia), Allen (Scottsville), Barren(Glasgow), Breckinridge (Hardinsburg), Bullitt (Shepherdsville), Cumberland (Burkesville), Edmonson (Brownsville), Grayson (Leitchfield), Green (Greensburg), Hardin (Elizabethtown), Hart (Munfordville), Larue (Hodgenville), Marion (Lebanon), Meade (Brandenburg), Metcalfe (Edmonton), Monroe (Tompkinsville), Nelson (Bardstown), Taylor (Campbellsville), Washington (Springfield)
    Covington Samantha Oldiges 7714 (# 312) 1324 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY 41011 (859) 292-6666 (859) 292-2695(866) 380-3450 (859) 292-6777 Boone (Burlington), Bracken (Brooksville), Campbell (Alexandria)(Newport), Carroll (Carrollton), Fleming (Flemingsburg), Gallatin (Warsaw), Grant (Williamstown), Harrison (Cynthiana), Kenton (Covington) (Independence), Lewis (Vanceburg), Mason (Maysville), Nicholas (Carlisle), Owen (Owenton), Pendleton (Falmouth), Robertson (Mount Olivet), Rowan (Morehead)
    PaducahAngela Hershey 7708 (# 113) 416 South 6th Street, Paducah, KY 42003 (270) 575-7000(502) 764-1515N/A(270) 575-7017Ballard (Wickliffe), Caldwell (Princeton), Calloway (Murray), Carlisle (Bardwell), Christian (Hopkinsville), Crittenden (Marion), Fulton (Hickman), Graves (Mayfield), Hickman (Clinton), Hopkins (Madisonville), Livingston (Smithland), Lyon (Eddyville), Marshall (Benton), McCracken (Paducah), Trigg (Cadiz), Union (Morganfield), Webster (Dixon)
    Lexington Jenny Ward 7711 (# 311) 333 Waller Ave., Suite 420, Lexington, KY 40504 (859) 246-2185 (859) 226-5167 (800) 291-8424 (849) 246-2112 Anderson (Lawrenceburg), Bath (Owingsville), Bourbon (Paris), Clark (Winchester), Fayette (Lexington), Franklin (Frankfort), Jessamine (Nicholasville), Madison (Richmond), Mercer (Harrodsburg), Montgomery (Mount Sterling), Scott (Georgetown), Woodford (Versailles)
    Louisville Mike Bolton 7709 (# 213) 8412 Westport Road, Louisville, KY 40242 (502) 429-4460 (502) 420-5917 (800) 346-2115 (502) 429-7101 Henry (New Castle), Jefferson (Louisville), Shelby (Shelbyville)
    LouisvilleChris Wedding8412 Westport Road, Louisville, KY 40242(502) 429-4460(502) 420-5920(800) 346-2115(502) 429-7101Jefferson (Louisville), Oldham (LaGrange), Spencer (Taylorsville), and Trimble (Bedford)
    Somerset Ashley Dick 7706 (# 411) 410 East Mount Vernon St., Suite 100, Somerset, KY 42501 (606) 677-4146 (ext. 22134). (502) 764-1934(888) 640-7173(606) 677-4043. Bell (Pineville), Boyle (Danville), Casey (Liberty), Clay (Manchester), Clinton (Albany), Estill (Irvine), Garrard (Lancaster), Harlan (Harlan), Jackson (McKee), Knox (Barbourville), Laurel (London), Lincoln (Stanford), McCreary (Whitley City), Pulaski (Somerset), Rockcastle (Mount Vernon), Russell (Jamestown, Wayne (Monticello), Whitley (Williamsburg)
    Bowling Green and OwensboroChance Groves 7707 (# 112) 955 Fairview Avenue Suite 100, Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 746-7489 (ext. 38699) (502) 764-1105. (800) 443-6055 (270) 746-7423 Butler (Morgantown), Daviess (Owensboro), Hancock (Hawesville), Henderson (Henderson), Logan (Russellville), McLean (Calhoun), Muhlenberg (Greenville), Ohio (Hartford), Simpson (Franklin), Todd (Elkton), Warren (Bowling Green)
    PikevilleLisa Reynolds 7712 (# 521) 138 College Street, Pikeville, KY 41501(606) 433-7618(502) 764-0319N/A(606) 433-7719Boyd (Catlettsburg), Breathitt (Jackson), Carter (IL) (Grayson), Elliott (Sandy Hook), Floyd (Prestonsburg), Greenup (IL) (Greenup), Johnson (Paintsville), Knott (Hyndman), Lawrence (Louisa) , Lee (Beattyville), Leslie (Hyden), Letcher (Whitesburg), Magoffin (Salyersville), Martin (Inez), Menifee (Frenchburg), Morgan (West Liberty), Owsley (Boone), Perry (Hazard), Pike (Pikeville), Powell (Stanton), Wolfe (Campton)


    Lighthouse for the Blind in New Orleans 123 State Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 Telephone: 504/899-4501 Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John The Baptist, St. Tammany
    Affiliated Blind of Louisiana Training Center 409 W. St. Mary Blvd. Lafayette, LA 70506 Telephone: 337/234-6492, or 800/319-4444 Acadia, Ascension, Assumption, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Evangeline, Iberia, Iberville, Lafayette, Lafourch, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. Helena, St. Landry, St. Martin, St. Mary, Tangipahoa, Terrebonne, Vermillion, Washington, West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana,
    Louisiana Center for the Blind 101 S. Trenton Street, Ruston, LA 71270 318/251-2891, or 800/234-4166 Allen, Avoyelles, Beauregard, Bienville, Calcasieu, Caldwell, Cameron, Catahoula, Concordia, East Carroll, Franklin, Grant, Jackson, Jefferson Davis, LaSalle, Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Ouachita, Rapides, Richland, Tensas, Union, Vernon, West Carroll, Winn,
    Louisiana Association for the Blind 1750 Claiborne Ave. Shreveport, LA 71103 Telephone: 318-635-6471 Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, De Soto, Natchitoches, Red River, Savine, Webster,
    For general information contact Kevin Monk at 225-295-8952 or at kmonk@lwc.la.gov


    ContactCountiesPhone Email
    Corriveau, Helen Cumberland, York desk 207-822-3371/cell 207-423-5084 helen.m.corriveau@maine.gov
    Lohmann, Chelsie Androscogginn, Franklin, Oxford, and Sagadahoc cell 207-212-4994 chelsie.a.lohmann@maine.gov
    Seamans, SatrianaKennebec, Waldo, Lincoln, Somerset, Knox cell 207-215-3580satriana.seamans@maine.gov
    Rasimowicz, Brenda Hancock, Penobscot, Piscataquis,and Washington cell 207-530-0285 brenda.rasimowicz@maine.gov
    Gilmour, Heather Aroostook desk 207-768-6847/ cell 207-707-2192 heather.gilmour@maine.gov
    Birmele, JenniferState-wide contact 1-207-623-7948 jennifer.birmele@maine.gov


    Tandra Hunter-Payne, M.Ed Program Manager, Office for Blindness and Vision Services Maryland State Department of Education Division of Rehabilitation Services 2301 Argonne Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 410-554-9107 (office) Tandra.hunter-payne@maryland.govhttps://dors.maryland.gov/consumers/specialized/OBVS/Pages/OBV-ILOB.aspx
    Toni March Director Office for Blindness and Vision Services 2301 Argonne Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 410-554-9219 toni.march@maryland.gov
    "Changing Maryland for the Better"


    ContactOffice PhoneBusiness Cell
    Karen Hatcher 617-626-7462 857-214-1813


    RegionContactPhoneCounties Served
    SouthwestJenny Evenson 507-514-1492 Big Stone, Swift, Chippewa, Lac Parle, Yellow Medicine, Renville, Lincoln, Redwood, Lyon, Pipestone, Murray, Rock and Nobles
    Southcentral Meghan Wendt 507-317-4166 Sibley, Nicollet, Rice, Brown, Le Sueur, Waseca, Blue Earth, Watonwan, Cottonwood, Jackson, Martin and Faribault
    SoutheastAngela Christle 507-261-9542 Wabasha, Steele, Dodge, Olmsted (includes Rochester where the Mayo Clinic is), Winona, Freeborn, Mower, Fillmore, Houston
    Twin Cities Rose Eastman 651-539-2331 Goodhue, Dakota, Scott, Carver, McCleod, Meeker, Wright, Anoka, Isanti, Kanabec, Chisago, Washington, Ramsey (St Paul) and Hennepin (Minneapolis)
    Central Barb Klein 320-260-9511 Wadena, Crow Wing, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Todd, Stearns, Kandiyohi, Benton and Sherburne
    Central-Western Lauren Eliason 218-395-0245 Clay, Becker, Otter Tail, Wilkin, Traverse, Grant, Stevens, Douglas and Pope
    NorthwestGina Bergeron 651-341-7941 Kittson, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, Beltrami, Cass, Hubbard, Clear Water, Mahnomen, Norman, Polk, Red Lake, Pennington and Marshall
    Northeast Amy McClellan 651-341-8845 Cook, Lake, St Louis (Duluth), Itasca, Aitkin, Carlton and Pine
    State-wide contact 651-539-2300 www.mnssb.org
    Program Manager Edward Lecher 651-539-2324


    ILB Independent Living f/t Blind/WIPA Dorothy Young
    OVRB Director/CWIC

    Lynda Hall - Contractor
    1281 HWY 51 North
    Madison, MS 39110
    Admin Assistant Orlena Harlan 662-320-6656
    317 Industrial Park Rd. Starkville, MS 39759
    Fax: 662-324-1877
    Districts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, & X
    ILB/ WIPA Fadeelah Williams
    ILB Coordinator/CWIC
    700 B North Main Street Amory, MS 38821 662-256-9943
    Fax: 662-257-1830
    District I
    District II
    Brenda Black
    ILB Instructor
    51 CR 166
    Oxford, MS 38655
    Fax: 662-234-0608
    Benton, DeSoto, Lafayette, *Lee, Marshall, Panola, Pontotoc, Quitman, Tate, Tippah, Tunica, Union
    District IV
    District VI
    District VII
    Victoria Hill
    ILB Instructor
    317 Industrial Park Road
    Starkville, MS 39759
    Fax: 662-324-1877
    Attala, Choctaw, Jasper, Leake, Montgomery, Neshoba, Newton, Oktibbeha, Webster, Winston
    District VII
    District VIII
    District IX
    Victoria Barnes
    ILB Instructor/CWIC
    18 John M. Tatum Industrial Dr
    Hattiesburg, MS 39401
    Fax: 601-582-2544
    Covington, Clarke, Forrest, Greene, Jefferson Davis, Jones, Lamar, Marion, Perry, Simpson, Wayne
    District XChristina Baria-Brass
    ILB Instructor
    Gulfport WIN Center
    10162 Southpark Drive
    Gulfport, MS 39503
    Fax: 228-897-6952
    George, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Pearl River, Stone
    District V
    District VIII
    Diana Vineyard
    ILB Instructor
    2550 Peachtree Street
    P. O. Box 5314
    Jackson, MS 39296-5314
    Admin Assistant
    Deanna Thomas
    Fax: 601-364-2677
    Claiborne, Issaquena, Madison, Rankin, Scott, Smith, Warren, Yazoo
    District I
    District III
    Kowaii Brown
    ILB Instructor
    104 Professional Plaza
    Greenwood, MS 38930
    Fax: 662-459-9752
    Bolivar, Coahoma, Carroll, Grenada, Holmes, Humphreys, Leflore, Sharkey, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, Washington, Yalobusha
    District II
    District IV
    District VII
    Erika Jones
    ILB Instructor
    48 Datco Industrial Drive
    Columbus, MS 39704
    Fax: 662-328-9130
    Alcorn, Calhoun, Clay, Chickasaw, Itawamba, Kemper, Lauderdale, *Lee, Lowndes, Monroe, Noxubee, Prentiss, Tishomingo
    District V
    District VIII
    2550 Peachtree Street
    P. O. Box 5314
    Jackson, MS 39296
    Admin Assistant
    Deanna Thomas
    Fax: 601-364-2677
    District V Chasity Cornelius
    ILB Instructor
    2550 Peachtree Street
    P. O. Box 5314 Jackson, MS 39296
    Admin Assistant
    Deanna Thomas
    Fax: 601-364-2677
    Hinds, Adams, Amite, Copiah, Franklin, Jefferson, Lawrence, Lincoln, Pike, Walthall, Wilkinson


    Statewide toll free number: 800-592-6004
    If you call this number, you are given further instructions to find the office you need.
    Office Phone
    Central Office 573-751-4249
    Kansas City District 816-889-2677
    Mid-Missouri District 573-751-2714
    Southwest District 417-895-6386
    Southeast District 573-472-5240
    St Louis North District 314-264-7601
    St Louis South District 314-933-7311


    Billings Region 406-248-4801
    Butte Region 406-496-4925
    Great Falls Region 406-454-6060
    Missoula Region 406-329-5400


    Angie Hoff CVRCB
    OIB Program Director
    Panhandle Office
    Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired 4600 Valley, Road, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68510 402-471-2891 402-471-3009 https://ncbvi.nebraska.gov/


    New Mexico Commission for the Blind

    RegionPhoneToll Free
    Central New Mexico -- Albuquerque Office 505-841-8844 888-513-7958
    Northwestern New Mexico -- Farmington Office 505-327-3031 888-513-7964
    505-425-3546 888-513-7963
    Southwestern New Mexico -- Las Cruces Office 575-524-6450 888-513-7960
    Southeastern New Mexico -- Roswell Office 575-624-6140 888-513-7961


    ProgramPhoneWebsiteCounties Served
    NYS Commission for the Blind, State-wide Contact 1-866-871-3000
    Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired 585-232-1111 https://www.goodwillfingerlakes.orgLivingston, Monroe, Ontario, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Yates
    Association for the Visually Impaired 845-574-4950 https://avieyes.org/Orange, Rockland
    Association for Vision Rehabilitation and Employment 607-724-2428 https://www.avreus.org/Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Otsego, Schuyler, Tioga, Tompkins
    Aurora of Central New York 315-422-7263 https://www.auroraofcny.org/Cayuga, Onondaga, Oswego
    Central Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired 315-797-2233 https://www.cabvi.org/Fulton, Madison, Montgomery, Oneida, Onodaga, Oswego, Otsego
    CBA Vision Rehabilitation Services716-664-6660 https://www.cbavision.org/Cattarugus, Chautauqua
    Visually Impaired Advancement 716-882-1025 https://viawny.org/Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming
    Glens Falls Association for the Blind 518-792-3421 gfab@mybluelight.comHamilton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington
    Helen Keller National Center 516-944-8900 https://www.helenkeller.org/hkncNassau, Suffolk, New York City, Lower Westchester
    Helen Keller Services for the Blind 718-522-2122 https://www.helenkeller.org/hksbBronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk
    Lighthouse Guild 212-769-6200 https://www.lighthouseguild.org/Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond
    North Country Association for the Visually Impaired 518-562-2330 https://ncavi-online.org/Clinton, Essex, Franklin, St. Lawrence
    Northeastern Association of the Blind 518-463-1211 https://naba-vision.org/Albany, Clinton, Columbia, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Hamilton, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Schenectady, Schoharire. St. Lawrence, Ulster, Warren, Washington
    VISIONS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 212-625-1616 https://www.visionsvcb.org/Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Queens, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Westchester, Ulster, Sullivan, Dutchess, Putnam
    Western New York Center for the Visually Impaired 716-668-1166 http://wnycvi.org/Allegany, Cattaraugus, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, Steuben, Wyoming


    North Carolina Division of Services for the Blind
    CountyDistrict Office District Office Phone # Toll free #
    Alamance Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Alexander Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Alleghany Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Anson Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Ashe Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Avery Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Beaufort Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Bertie Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Bladen Fayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    BrunswickWilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Buncombe Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Burke Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Cabarrus Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Caldwell Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Camden Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    CarteretWilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Caswell Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Catawba Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    ChathamRaleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Cherokee Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Chowan Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Clay Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Cleveland Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Columbus Wilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Craven Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Cumberland Fayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    Currituck Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Dare Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Davidson Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Davie Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Duplin Wilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Durham Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Edgecombe Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Forsyth Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Franklin Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Gaston Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Gates Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Graham Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Granville Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Greene Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    GuilfordWinston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Halifax Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Harnett Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Haywood Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Henderson Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Hertford Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Hoke Fayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    Hyde Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Iredell Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Jackson Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Johnston Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Jones Wilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Lee Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Lenoir Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Lincoln Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Macon Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    MadisonAsheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Martin Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    McDowell Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Mecklenburg Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Mitchell Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Montgomery Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Moore Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Nash Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    New Hanover Wilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Northampton Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Onslow Wilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Orange Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    PamlicoGreenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Pasquotank Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Pender Wilimington District Office 910-251-5743 1-800-422-1884
    Perquimans Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Person Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Pitt Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Polk Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    RandolphWinston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    RichmondFayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    RobesonFayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    Rockingham Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Rowan Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Rutherford Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Sampson Fayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    Scotland Fayetteville District Office 910-486-1582 1-800-422-1897
    Stanly Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Stokes Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Surry Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Swain Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    TransylvaniaAsheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881
    Tyrrell Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Union Charlotte District Office 704-563-4168 1-800-422-1895
    Vance Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Wake Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Warren Raleigh District Office 919-527-6740 1-800-422-1871
    Washington Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Watauga Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Wayne Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Wilkes Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Wilson Greenville District Office 252-999-74001-800-422-1877
    Yadkin Winston Salem District Office 336-896-2227 1-800-422-0373
    Yancey Asheville District Office 828-641-78901-800-422-1881


    Aimee Volk



    Ohio OIB Referral Form
    Ohio Independent Living Older Blind Fact Sheet
    Ohio 614-438-1951 937-260-80761-800-282-4536 allison.meloy@ood.ohio.gov


    SBVI Older Blind Independent Living

    ContactOfficeAddressPhone EmailArea Served
    Julie Bailey, Programs Manager Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired #91 907 South Detroit Avenue, Suite 500 Tulsa, OK 74120 918-551-4911 jbailey@okdrs.govEastern and Northeastern Oklahoma including Tulsa
    Cheryl Snow, Programs Manager Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired #90 Shepherd Mall 2401 N.W. 23rd. Street, Suite 91 Oklahoma City 73107-2431 405-522-3382 csnow@okdrs.govCentral Oklahoma including Oklahoma City
    Tammie Jones, Programs Manager Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired #69 1501 Lera Drive, Suite 1 Weatherford 73096-2602 580-816-4109 tjones@okdrs.govWestern and Southwestern and Northwestern Oklahoma and Panhandle
    Stacey Birchfield, Programs Manager Visual Services #84 321 S. Third, Suite 2B McAlester, OK 74501-5410 918-302-4250 sbirchfield@okdrs.govSouthern and Southeastern Oklahoma


    Office AddressPhoneFaxEmail
    535 SE 12th Ave, Portland, OR 97214 (971) 673-1588 Fax: (503) 234-7468 Ocb.mail@ocb.oregon.gov
    213 Madrona Ave SE, Salem, OR 97302 (503) 378-8479 Fax: (503) 566-8550 Ocb.mail@ocb.oregon.gov
    541 Willamette St, RM 408, Eugene, OR 97401(541) 686-7990 Fax: (541) 485-7107 Ocb.mail@ocb.oregon.gov
    724 South Central St, STE 110, Medford, OR 97501 (541) 776-6047 Fax: (541) 772-0970 Ocb.mail@ocb.oregon.gov
    813 SW Highland Ave, STE 102, Redmond, OR 97756(541) 699-5090 Fax: (541) 699-5097 Ocb.mail@ocb.oregon.gov


    651 Boas Street, 7th Floor Harrisburg, Pa 17121.

    Karen Walsh-Emma


    717-787-4885 TTY

    866-830-7327 TTY*

    Altoona covers the following counties: Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montour, Northumberland, Snyder, Somerset, Union

    Erie covers the following counties: Cameron, Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean, Mercer, Potter, Venango, Warren

    Harrisburg covers the following counties: Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, York.

    Philadelphia covers the following counties: Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Philadelphia

    Pittsburgh covers the following counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Washington, Westmoreland.

    Wilkes-Barre covers the following counties: Berks, Bradford, Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, Schuylkill, Sullivan, Tioga, Wayne, Wyoming.
    ALTOONA 1130 12th Ave., Suite 300, Altoona, PA 16601 814-946-7330 Voice 866-695-7673 Voice* 814-949-7956 TTY 814-949-7956 TTY*
    ERIE 4200 Lovell Place, Erie, PA 16503 814-871-4401 Voice 866-521-5073 Voice* 814-871-4599 TTY 888-884-5513 TTY*
    HARRISBURG Forum Place, 555 Walnut Street, 8th Floor, Harrisburg PA 17101 717-787-7500 Voice 866-375-8264 Voice* 717-787-1733 TTY 888-575-9420 TTY*
    PHILADELPHIA 801 Market St. Suite 6034 Philadelphia, PA 19107215-560-5700 Voice 866-631-3892 Voice* 215-560-5725 TTY 888-870-4473 TTY*
    PITTSBURGH 531 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-565-5240 Voice 866-412-4072 Voice* 412-565-3678 TTY 877-255-5082 TTY*
    WILKES-BARRE 8 W Market St. 2nd Floor Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 570-826-2361 Voice 866-277-4163 Voice* 888-651-6117 TTY*
    888-651-6117 TTY*



    RI Services for the Blind & Visually Impaired
    40 Fountain Street, Providence, RI 02903
    Providing Independent Living and Vocational Rehabilitation services statewide
    Website: http://www.ors.ri.gov/SBVI.html
    Referrals /inquiries accepted at Intake 401-462-7908


    Nikki Green, Independent Services Program Lead

    (803) 898-8871



    Contact the Division of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired (SBVI) in any of the following ways:

    • By phone: 605-773-4644 (Toll free: 800-265-9684)

    • By email: InfoSBVI@state.sd.us

    • By mail:

    • Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired
      Hillsview Plaza, 3800 E. Highway 34
      c/o 500 East Capitol Avenue
      Pierre, SD 57501


    Tennessee Independent Living Blind and Visually Impaired Program Flyer
    Agency Phone Available Services Website
    Services for Blind and Visually Impaired, Independent Living Program 833-751-0597Services are available statewide in all counties https://www.tn.gov/humanservices/ds/blind-visually-impaired-services/bvi...615-313-4891


    Informational Flyer
    Phone Email
    OIB Helpline for New Customers:
    844-NEED-OIB (844-633-3642)


    Program Address PhoneCounties Served
    Options for Independence 1095 North Main Street Logan, UT 84341 435 753-5353 Box Elder | Cache | Rich
    RRCI 168 N 100E, Suite 101 St. George, UT 84770 435 673-7501 Beaver | Garfield | Iron | Kane | Millard | Piute | Sevier | Washington | Wayne
    Active Re-Entry 10 Fairgrounds Blvd Price, UT 84501 435 637-4950 Carbon | Daggett | Duchesne | Emery | Grand | San Juan | Uintah
    Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired 250 North 1950 West Ste B Salt Lake City, UT 84116 801-323-4369 Remaining Counties


    Vermont Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired
    HC 2 South, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2040

    Phone Number: 888-405-5005 ext. 214

    You can also make a referral from our main page at : https://www.vabvi.org/ - Referral sends your info to the Intake Specialist’s email address. Checked by office manager when specialist is off.


    Dave Fuller
    Director of Rehabilitation Teaching and Independent Living Services
    Department for the Blind & Vision Impaired
    (804) 371-3140 or 800-622-2155
    397 Azalea Avenue
    Richmond, Virginia 23227
    Logo DBVI blue letters on gold background


    St. Croix Phone: 340-643-8145

    St. Thomas/St. John Office Phone: 340-774-0930

    Ask for Office of Disabilities and Rehabilitation Services


    Washington Department of Services for the Blind
    General Phone Number: 800-552-7103
    General Email Address: info@dsb.wa.gov

    Independent Living Program (Washington Department of Services for the Blind older blind services, which is managed by the University of Washington)
    Independent Living Program Coordinator: Sophie Watson
    Email Address: wastsos@uw.edu
    Phone Number: 206-543-3616


    West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services
    Tammy Murdock, Program Specialist,
    Phone: 304-760-7180 or 1-800-642-3021
    Website: wvdrs.org
    Serve all counties in West Virginia.
    Regional Providers Phone
    Emily Toney304-760-7157
    Yvonne Shepard304-760-7171


    Name of Agency: State of Wisconsin Office for the Blind and Visually Impaired
    Contact Information: Ann Sievert, Director
    Phone Number: 888-879-0017
    Website: dhsobvi@dhs.wisconsin.gov
    Counties/Areas served: All counties in Wisconsin
    ContactAddress PO Box Phone FaxEmail Counties Served
    Amber Mullett, Central Office Section Chief 1 West Wilson Street, Room 558, Madison, WI 53701-2659 PO Box 2659 888-879-0017 608-266-3256 dhsobvi@dhs.wisconsin.gov
    Ann Sievert, Office Director, Statewide Regional Rehabilitation Specialists or Deen Amusa 601 Division Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481 715-315-9970 608-224-5773 nurudeen.amusa@dhs.wisconsin.gov
    Kathleen Connell PO Box 358, Elm Grove, WI 53122-0358 414-227-4207 kathleen.connell@dhs.wisconsin.govKenosha, Milwaukee (South of Wisconsin Ave.), Racine
    Jeff Droll 2187 N Stevens Street, Suite C, Rhinelander, WI 54501 715-401-9123 715-365-2706 jeffrey.droll@dhs.wisconsin.govFlorence, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon (North of Hwy. 29), Oneida, Price, Vilas
    Kristin Fountaine 3319 W Beltline Highway, First Floor W104.01, Madison, WI 53713 608-266-8977 kristin.fountaine@dhs.wisconsin.govColumbia, Dane, Green, Rock
    Scott Gilbertson 1805 N 14th Street, Suite 2, Superior, WI 54880 715-392-7907 715-392-9232 scott.gilbertson@dhs.wisconsin.govAshland, Bayfield, Burnett, Douglas, Iron, Polk, Sawyer, Washburn
    Jean Kenevan 2331 E Lourdes Drive, Appleton, WI 54915 920-831-2090 920-831-2091 jeannine.kenevan@dhs.wisconsin.govCalumet, Manitowoc, Menominee, Outagamie, Shawano, Winnebago
    Doug Martens PO Box 270063, Milwaukee, WI 53227-0063 414-343-9142 douglas.martens@dhs.wisconsin.govDodge, Fond du Lac, Jefferson, Walworth, Waukesha
    205 5th Avenue S, Suite 409, La Crosse, WI 54601 608-789-5663 608-789-5664 lindas.palmer@dhs.wisconsin.govBuffalo, Crawford, Jackson, Juneau, La Crosse, Monroe, Trempealeau, Vernon
    Jennifer Shimon PO Box 991, Grafton, WI 53024 414-405-3524 jennifer.shimon@dhs.wisconsin.govMilwaukee (North of Wisconsin Avenue), Ozaukee, Sheboygan, Washington
    Al Thompson 610 Gibson Street, Suite 1, Eau Claire, WI 54701 715-836-6772 715-836-2535 al.thompson@dhs.wisconsin.govBarron, Chippewa, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Pepin, Pierce, Rusk, St. Croix, Taylor
    Angie Zalig PO Box 439, Suamico, WI 54173 920-241-2641 608-226-5485 angela.zalig@dhs.wisconsin.govBrown, Door, Kewaunee, Marinette, Oconto
    OBVI Central Office 888-879-0017 dhsobvi@dhs.wisconsin.govGrant, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland, Sauk


    Wyoming OIB Regional Contacts

    RegionContact Phone
    State Lead Leslie Van Orman307-856-5652
    Northwest/Northeast Wyoming Jennifer D'Alessandro 307-754-2147
    Southwest Wyoming Tia Reed307-754-2147
    Northeast/Central Wyoming Laurel Henry 307-265-8818
    Southeast Wyoming Ginny Chidsey




    State of Hawaii: Hoopono Services for the Blind / OIB Program
    Phone number to make referrals: (808) 586-5269
    Hoopono Website: http://humanservices.hawaii.gov/vr/hoopono/about/
    Services provided statewide


    April Johnson, Rehabilitation Technician II
    Bureau of Services to the Blind & Visually Impaired
    3016 W. Charleston Blvd., Suite 200
    Las Vegas, NV 89102
    Phone: 702-486-0365
    Fax: (702) 486-8823


    Older Individuals who are Blind/Vision Impaired Program (OIB)

    Amy M. Clark
    Program Coordinator, M.S., C.R.C

    Rick Wisler
    Program Assistant

    New Hampshire Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
    Division of Workforce Innovation
    New Hampshire Education Department
    21 S. Fruit Street, Suite 20
    Concord, NH 03301

    Our general phone is: 603-271-3537 or 1-800-581-6881 (toll free)
    Fax number: 603-271-3816.

    Services for The Blind and Vision Impaired (SBVI) Program

    New Hampshire Older Individuals who are Blind and Vision Impaired (OIB) Program
    New Hampshire Older Individuals who are Blind and Vision Impaired (OIB) Program Fact Sheet
    New Hampshire Services for Blind and Vision Impaired Fact Sheet


    New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
    The New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired was established in 1910 by order of the NJ State Legislature. This agency’s mission is to promote and provide services in the areas of education, employment, independence and eye health through informed choice and partnership with persons who are blind or visually impaired, their families and the community.

    General Number: 973-648-3333
    Toll Free: 877-685-8878
    Email: AskCBVI@dhs.nj.gov


    OfficeAddressContact PhoneTTY Fax Website
    BUREAU OF SERVICES FOR BLIND PERSONS 702 W. Kalamazoo Street or P.O. Box 30652, Lansing, Michigan 48909 517-241-1000 or 1-800-292-4200 TTY 1-888-864-1212 FAX 517-335-5140 Website: www.michigan.gov/bsbp
    FIELD SERVICES DIVISION Lisa Kisiel, Field Services Director (269) 251-6840
    CENTRAL REGION OFFICES: Escanaba, Flint, Gaylord and Lansing Regional Manager: Elizabeth White (517) 335-5521 or Assistant Manager: Susan Root (989) 732-6058
    ESCANABA OFFICE 305 Ludington Escanaba, MI 49829 (906) 786-8602 Fax: (906) 786-4638
    FLINT OFFICE 125 E. Union St. 5th Floor Flint, MI 48502 (810) 760-2030 Fax: (810) 760-2032
    GAYLORD OFFICE 931 South Otsego Avenue, Suite 3 Gaylord, MI 49735 906-786-8602Fax: (989) 732-5134
    LANSING OFFICE 702 W. Kalamazoo Street Lansing, MI 48909 517-373-6425 Fax: (517) 335-0254
    EAST REGION OFFICE: Detroit Regional Manager: Gwen McNeal (313) 456-1655 or Assistant Manager: Wilda Haney (313) 456-1957 313-456-1646
    DETROIT OFFICE 3038 W. Grand Blvd., Suite 4-450 Detroit, MI 48202-6038 (313) 456-1646
    WEST REGION OFFICES - Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo Regional Manager: Vacant Acting; West Region Manager: Sharday Lawrence 616-356-0180
    GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE 350 Ottawa Ave., N. W. Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 356-0180 Fax: (616) 356-0199
    KALAMAZOO OFFICE 1541 Oakland Drive Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (269) 337-3875 Fax: (269) 337-3872

    Services often include training to help individuals with limited vision to do the following:

    • Maximize the use of limited vision
    • Learn to use devices such as magnifiers or other technology that help with reading printed materials
    • Use computers and smartphones using accessibility features or assistive software
    • Learn techniques to stay safe and organized in the home
    • Travel safely and confidently in the community
    • Connect with others experiencing vision loss
    • Learn about other programs specific to vision loss

    Find information on resources and national services that are available. If you have any difficulty using this site or would prefer to talk to someone in person, call the American Printing House Connect Center toll-free helpline at 1-800-232-5463.

    Who is eligible for services?

    Services are available to individuals who are 55 and older. Requirements vary by state and might include a medical eye report verifying conditions and the status of employment. We encourage all to seek out services.

    Because we are the Older Individuals who are Blind Technical Assistance Center (OIB-TAC), the links on this page are specific to individuals who are age 55 or older. In addition to the links found on this page, we encourage individuals with vision loss to inquire about potential services when they visit the eye doctor, including the Department Veterans Affairs (VA).

    Frequently Asked Questions